
solid weekend

Not too much to report on. Went to see a hilarious movie Friday night called "Superbad." I don't even know how to explain this movie, other than it's hilariously funny, check it out!!
Carley and I also got a little lucky this weekend, winning 50 bucks in grocery money at this bad ass grocery store in Fort Worth, called Central Market, aka CM. So how did we both win you ask? Well here's the story. Friday night after work as we are driving to the grocery store to pick up some grub for dinner, we get stuck in some heavy traffic. Ten minutes roll by and we don't even move. Finally after much swearing and loss of frustration we arrive at CM. As we are walking in these country radio station spokespeople start hounding us with questions and asking us to fill in ballots. With my frustration through the roof and my anxiety soaring, I see Carley approaching the table and filling out a ballot to get a free magnet!! As i'm filling out a ballot (it was better than standing there) the spokespeople start telling me I look like Kenny Chesney. I was pretty excited to hear that, figuring he was some hot stud until later Carley explained to me that he is some older, balding country singer! So it's ballot drawing time, the first name he pulls is CARLEY"S and she won a $25 dollar gift certificate to CM. How exciting is that. The draw was obviously rigged the joker didn't even put her ballot in the box, it was in his hand the whole time! But i'm not complaining we won dinner money for the night! So 15 minutes later as we are leaving the grocery store another draw is going on I stop by just for fun, and the guy asks me my name, looks through the box and pulls my name. Another $25 gift certificate. Wow we are on fire here!! I think I won just cause I look like Kenny Chesney and it was a country radio station putting on the raffle. So after the traffic delay, we managed to win grocery money for the entire week!

As Far as training goes, it was another solid weekend, Saturday consisted of a 4hour ride with 5x10kms tempo with 5k ez between. I averaged pretty fast speeds on the ride and was able to maintain a pretty strong pace over the 4hours. A nail in my tire caused a quick stop to fix but other than that it was good. Then it was off for a 1hour run where i felt great running off the bike, it was starting to get hot and since i had my off road shoes on i wasn't shy to rip into some trails, to get off the pavement. My Brooks weren't supposed to have the off road package on them but i have turned them into my 4x4's because the last time i was in the trails i fell in some mud so they are my new mud rippers now. So 5hours in the bank with some good hard intervals and some core in the afternoon and a nap ended a solid day. Sunday was pretty chill axed with a 1hour run in the am, my legs felt better then i thought they would, and in the afternoon was a 4km swim and some more core and stretching. And that was it. Back at it for another solid week coming up.
Weeks Total: 17kms of swimming, 303kms biking and 72kms of running.

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