
You only ever grow as a human being if you're outside your comfort zone." PERCY CERUTTY
A brilliant quote that was sent to my email this am via Runners World. An a excellent picture to demonstrate what spending time out of your comfort zone in the final stretch of a race can earn you.
When i was living in Victoria the first time i moved out here and lived with Colin in a Phat little basement apartment. Simon and Greg used to do crazy run workouts around Elk Lake. So seeing those too running in the race pictures shows how two great runners can build off each other to bring each other past there comfort zones. Truly amazing racing and Congrats to the Canadian boys for representing. I really want to race that non draft legal race sometime, last year at the US OPEN i got to witness that racing first hand and in it is fast but fun. Seeing Greg Bennett get off the bike and run for $$$$, brings me to my run workout this am. After a great hard threshold set in the pool, where i have learned to start man upping a little more i had 10x150 super speedy with short rest. This am i had a threshold run where i had 45mins @ threshold, and running on the trail through the woods, my hrt felt like it was going to fly out of my chest but i just kept leaning forward and trying to bump it up a gear visualizing running shoulder to shoulder with the best in the sport. One thing to say is i am glad i built into it or it would have been a long walk home. With a warm up and a cool down it was a good solid run. Later i will be out on my bike doing some big gear work on some Jezzy climbs at a hard effort, so today i am trying to ignore that comfortable hurt and climb above it, and when that pain starts to feel manageable step it up again. I will end the evening with a ice bath, to make sure the legs are good to go for tomorrow for some more good work. If anyone needs to learn how to make a salad in less than two minutes, they need to go to www.marksdailyapple.com (marks website is a great tool)

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