

Most parts of Ontario had great weather for the weekend, but i was lucky enough to spend the weekend in sudbury, where the temperatures where very cold and it rained for 3 days in a row. Oh well i probably needed to shower anyway. I had a good weekend with Carley and her family, and then a couple of days with my family visiting.
Saturday i slept in after arriving late from Texas, i rode 100k in the rain and it finally cleared up for my 45min run off the bike, i felt good running off the bike and at a low heart rate, and was cruising just under 4min k pace, which was fairly easy. regardless when the workout was over it took me a few hours to warmup, good thing there was lots of college football on. A light swim and that was a good day logged.

Today Sunday was my last day of a 3 week build and i was looking forward to a lighter week before lifetime fitness US Open. My goal was to run a big workout, with the mainset being a hard 15k loop that was very hilly that went near and around the university, it was a fun challenging loop, but when i woke up to rain and bad wind i knew it was going to be hard to hit my pace i wanted to hit. Carley rode her bike with me when i ran the loop and that was great, it was fairly cold and my goal was to hit 56:30 on this hilly loop, the head wind felt like tornado's, the problem was i had to keep my hrt in my racing zone for clearwater, so i ran the hole 15k not going over 155hrt, it felt very cruisy and at the half way mark i knew i was way a head of the time i wanted to hit, i ran 53:40 for the loop which is a decent pace, and it will set me up nicely if i can run that pace off the bike, with the warm-up and cooldown it was almost 30k of running and i was ready to hit some thanksgiving dinners.

This week i haven't done too much, as it is an unload week, which i really need right now, Monday was a good 5k swim at Lu pool bring back old memories, and a trip to orillia, Tuesday was a good race pace swim workout in the am, where i did a set of 100's on 1:20 hitting goal race pace, i felt good for that, i am sure the extra carbs from the past couple of dinners helped that workout out. Tuesday afternoon i did another good race pace set on the bike, with 10x3mins at pace, 2mins easy, holding 40kph or faster on the bike is starting too feel real easy so i am happy with how that is going.

Wednesday Morning today i did a good track workout in Hamilton, nothing too hard a lot of 400's and a few 600's, it was a good 1hour workout. After that i did an easy 1hour ride up the escarpment to spin the legs out for a bit before cruising back down, in a nice overcast wind. Tomorrow i will be back in decent weather again with some more easy training before the weekend. Oh yeah cowboys now 5-0, sorry Dano but come on, Romo pretty much gave the bills the win? Anyway I am sure it was a wicked game to go too.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Good luck this weekend at Toyota! Knock 'em dead!