
Relaxing in the Midwest

After a hard track workout thursday of 6x800 holding 2:24-227 pace with short rest my legs hated me the rest of the day and the weekend. I was happy with the times in the wind but not happy with my recovery. I may be still fighting a bit of an illness. Thursday afternoon was a good swim workout and i felt like i was drowning but it was still good. The 5k workout had a mainset of 5x200 100fast/100bk
5x200 100fast/100br
5x200 100fast/100pull
it was an okay workout but there was nothing fast about these.
Friday- was a standard recovery day just including a swim of 4.5k the swim was a hard swim.
With 5x200 100swim/100pull hard on 3mins
2x200m best avg with 100ez
5x200Im 1.ez,1.fast, then a set of 2x200IM fast, 100ez between, a big warm-up and cooldown.
The rest of good friday was spent napping and watching movies.
Saturday- 90minute run averaging 3:50pace, good run but windy on trail, and legs a bit miserable. 90minute ride in afternoon more fun wind, then it was back to a big nap and early to bed. My goal for the weekend was to do my training but focus more on recovery.
Sunday- 2.5hour ride with 5x12mins at race pace, more wind, legs felt heavy but good ride, then 30minute run off bike with 1mile at 530 pace off the bike the rest was a shuffle pace for a cooldown. Then it was back to the movies and napping. Alll pools were closed for Easter Sunday so no swim was done. Later in the day i ventured out to Starbucks at Barnes and Nobel and sat with an americano and read the new Triathlete mag. Now this was interesting because on Easter Sunday after kids ate chocolate all morning, i was amazed to watch people scarf down pieces of cake in the afternoon, i even watched one person go up for seconds and these cakes were unreal, this starbucks carried cheesecake factory products from the bakery next store, but i think all of DFW was buzzing on sugar all day. I probably shouldnt talk i had a few easter eggs my self.
SO the work has been done and it is time to give my body a little rest, not much but a little this week as i am traveling to California on thursday for Oceanside. I still have a good week ahead, because i am using this race as a test to see where i am at. I hope my legs can come around.
Monday- This am i had a good track session nothing too bad, 10x150m strides, and 10x400m holding 72-74 with a 40second jogg recovery across the grass. I was happy with the times since i had tights on and i wasnt really trying to run super fast. A good cooldown and stretch.
Later on in the week i will post about my week of training and my adventures in California.
Thanks for reading.

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