
bonk, flat, Manage to get a worldchampionships spot

Here is how the race endup. It was definatly and intersting learning experience and a character builder at that.

The goal for the swim was to hit it with Paul Amey, Brian Lavalle, and Luke Bell and Craig Alexander i knew the beginning was going to go out hard. It went out hard but i swam well and swam with the lead group for the swim, we excited the water i had a good quick transition and noticed my self riding with the best in the sport. Definatly a big pro field with lots of athletes who have been past worldchampions.

I managed to hang in there, and ride at the back of the pace line of the main pack thinking if i can stay here for a while i will be good to go, but i knew these boys could ride, specially with Chris Leito and Tj Tollankson who are definatly strong riders. About 10miles into the ride, i went down to get a shot from my flask and it was gone, i was devistated, so much for getting on the nutrition early, all i had was a bottle with cytomax in it. My flask holder was twisted to the side and the bumpy roads must have caused it to bounce around and fall off. So needless to say it was going to be a hard 90km ride with hind and hills. I kept telling my self to harden the fu$ck up everytime i got tired but slowly i was off the main group, which was fine however i fell off pace. Not sure at what point in the ride but Paul Amey passsed me and i was like sweet i can pace off him and stay motivated, but continuously the rest of the pro field blew by me by 3 quarters into the ride, i was slowly starting to bonk. MY plan for the bike was to get in 5 shots of energy with roughly 90cals each and the rest of my cals from liquid however, i had nothing.

Now here is where it gets interesting, i have bonked in workouts but i was starting to suffer bad nothing this bad, i quickly went from riding 40kph to probalby 30kph, definatly in trouble my calories only came from aid stations from gatorade. I had a light breakfast because i was worried about having stomach problems however i knew i should be fine from the week of eating. Towards the end of the ride i was pretty much riding with my time trial helmet resting on my bars, i was in a dangerous state, and just to make my ego get dropped, Michelle Jones goes whipping by with the rest of the pro men who hadent past me yet. I pretty much asked everyone if they had extra nutrition but no takers. Soon enough Sam Mcglone went buy and said come on bud, and when i say blowing by i was riding so slow by this point. If there was a pizza pizza on the bike i would have stopped and gone in and taken the time to fuel up with the half marathon in front of me. The rest of the 8miles left my wheel was making funny sounds and i was all over the road, still bonking i didnt pay too much attention because i thought T2 was very close, yeah wrong again 8miles is far, when ur bonking and there is no air in your tire when i entred T2 and examining it after the race it wasnt the coggs making the noise it was riding on a rim. SO needless to say i was at the end or sort of an end to the pro field men. Well it was plan B time to have a fast run.

I knew i had to do something because there is no way that i could let 2 worldchampion woman beat me, even though they were the bomb of the sport i just couldnt except it and i charged out of T2 first trying to peg off the woman. I felt really light running probably because i was on empty. By mile 4 i got michelle and by mile 6 i caught sam, so i had a decent first run, i recon close to 3:30pace, so that was good, i ran with sam for a while chatting about old times in vic and funny stories, i figured i would run with sam for awhile then decend the way home, and catch some more men that where struggling. The run with Sam kept my mind off how bad i was zig zagging and bonking. We chatted about how my turcoise race suit was bringing sexy back, and we talked about Justin Timberlake Jeans, and then there was some comments about my small calves, but we wont talk about that, i still dont believe they are smaller than the womans fields, however they may be after i lost all those calories with out replenishment. Running with sam was great we were catching men and she set a new course record on the course, i tried to pick up the pace, and it worked for both of us it pushed sam someore but i started to feel ill, totatly on empty, then it was Sam gone. (*note sam u rock but if you beat me again ever no matter waht i am turning agegroup.) This will force me to toughen up. Where did she go, up the road, as i suddenly came to a hault.

I had completely blown up, even a gel on the run couldnt do anything for what happened to me on the bike, and pushing all the watts trying not too lose toomuch time with a flat taxed me more than i was before.

Well i ran slowly to the finish in about 4:17 caught some more men, and ended up getting a spot for 70.3 worlds in Clearwater, it was devistating i felt like i was going to cry i was hurting so bad, i ran looking up in the air, thinking that something could hit me and put me out of what i was going through.

I learned alot, i learned to carry extra food in case of accidents, when nutrition is so big in longcourse races, i learned, that telling my self to toughen the fuck up actually helped me get by however, with losing so much time to the men because of nutrition and then losing 5 or so minutes riding in on a flat, i realisticly believe i would have been 4hours or under, with out my miss halfs and that my trianing has gone well, considering i blew up and still went 4:17 on this hard course.

Props to Sam and Craig Alexander who had a ripper of a day to win the race. I look forward to some ITU racing and then a build up to 70.3 Worlds where i will be ready to ride with the Worldchampions for as long as i can and barry myself on the run to do the best i can. I also learned no matter how bad of day you are having some one out there is having it worse. And that its not over till its over. I was able to rip out 10k on the beginning of the run and catch some peeps, when i could have called it a day, it may have taxed whatever i had left but i had to take a risk, and i toughened up for it.

After the race, i got afree massage compliments of Sam Mcglone for talking to the massage therapist, also got some free gear because some how me chllen with Sam makes me a big deal, hahaha she is the bomb. I also got on the recovery, had 2 servings of a recover shake and then a massage and then an ice bath on site. Also a spin out on the run to cheer on the age groupers.

Even though i had a rough day and had a horrible time for myself, and was beaten by a Worldchampion female, it wasnt as bad as the day my home stay Tom was having.

Racing is second triathlon ever he crased on the bike, and manged to gut it out through the run, i cheered him on for the last few miles while i rode beside him, and he finished the race which is incredable. He only finishes to find out that his wetsuit is gone,and he just purchased it. My day also wasnt as bad as the racers that are out racing till 7pm tonight while i sit and chill and write this blog.

Anyways i have written enough. I appoligize to my sponsors and friends and coachs, we were hoping for a big finish here, next time i will take extra food so incase i loose some i still have a back up. I look forward to racing in Quebec hopefully the legs can come around, and then spending a few weeks in texas training while Carley is down. By the way Car i got you a sick pink vineman runningshirt.

Hope everyone had a good weekend, remember to pack extra fuel, nutrition is the key to sustained energy over longcourse racing. Its better to pack a little extra food then start crying looking for your mommy to make things feel better.


Unknown said...


Daniel Wells said...

Congrats on the 70.3 spot Poulsen.
See ya in a few in Drummondville.

trichick said...

Don't know you, but your tone makes you sound kind of like a jerk. That, and your spelling is atrocious. Do you Canadians spell different than we do here?

Brent Poulsen said...

Tri Chick,
Do i know you i am the farthest thing from a jerk, sorry about the spelling i just finished a race. Have you hit on me before? and i told you to head to the mountains. I cant seem to figure out why you need to bring canadians into it. Sorry for the spelling i must be a jerk. lol

MinkeSwim said...

Brent! Congrats on your Clearwater spot... sorry to hear you had a big bonk, but you made some good points. Okay, your spelling could be better, but who's trichick? and why does she think it's okay to insult Canadians? or you?
You're the greatest! Keep up your hard work.