
Piano Melody

Training the last few days has gone well. However, a couple days involved flying piano's but I managed to survive them. So Tuesday was a good hard threshold swim in the am, therefore I finished with a ride in the afternoon. The next few days i spent logging some miles on the bike. Tuesday afternoon i was on it, a good steady base ride for a couple of hours. Then Wednesday morning did a 1 hour run on the trails and my legs felt great, pretty weird because i have just been loading them up for past few weeks now. Wednesday pm- i was out logging some more miles doing some hard intervals on the bike, i rode out in Aledo where there are many challenging hills. Since i am gearing up to ride with the big boys i am sort of on a ride fast or don't bother showing up sort of focus. So i am getting ready to ride 90km's averaging 40plus kph, and then running, this is why i need to get stupid fit, oh well i have allot of work to do that is the joy of the focus right now. After doing my 10 repeats i could feel the heavy legs again. Good thing i am on the bike again tomorrow morning.
Thursday morning i hit another good 2hour+ ride where i rode some hill repeats out on oakmont avenue, and then rode out in the country roads in Benbrook. My hill repeats went well, and i felt like lance for a few, and then i realized hey i only have another 11 repeats to go, so enough said i was sort of starting to feel like a sprinter off the back in the late stages of the Pyrenees. Oh well another one logged. I am telling you one word, and one only: utter butter. okay maybe two words but it helps with saddle sores and right now i have enough of them i could name them after the last few weeks. Okay so after feeling pretty shattered it was time to run a 5k at a local 5k run race down on the trinity trails, my legs felt sore and tired and walking at this point was a stretch and all i wanted to do was sleep, however right now in my training i am trying to burn the candle at both ends, or something like that, lots of volume and lots of intensity so i should be feeling fatigued. The standard was set that i had hit and it was run fast or no pizza, so i better run fast. The run course was 2miles out and 1.2 back. The out section was into the wind, and i was going to take a risk running into the eye of the storm, specially when pizza was on the line. Well i took the first mile out in 5:05, maybe a bit faster but you get the idea, anyways i should have known running 1mile into a headwind that was about to send my headband to Oklahoma city was not a good idea, oh well, i tried to keep for even though my legs felt like shizza, and at mile 2 i got hit by a flying object from the sky. It was black and weighed about 500pounds and it had lots of white keys. I got hit by a piano and i started to slow down, oh well it was a good effort and at 95 degrees i started to feel a bit sick during the cool down. Oh well another good day logged.
Friday(this morning)- recovery day 4.5k swim am, felt okay but just logging the training right now. Not much to mention about it, 1x2000 pull nice and strong, and then some IM work, but all aerobic as i need to recover today. I have a big workout tomorrow but you will have to wait to hear about that on Monday. Have a great weekend!

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