
Tad of a Short Note

Training is going well so far this week. I am into my 4th pretty solid week so i will admit i am starting to get a bit tired. This week the volume is down a tad however, the intensity is cranked up. After this week i will have a little test to see how the training has been going, I am going to Race PraireMan Half Ironman in Grand prairie, Tx. Chris Leigh races it every year, so i am going to race to see how my prep is going in hopes to hang with Chris for as long as i can.

Monday- Am- was a hard swim (4.6kms) It had 15x100 and a couple of fast 500's alternating fast,moderate,ez and repeating. It was a solid swim but i was a tad shattered from the weekend. The afternoon had a tempo ride with some 12min repeats, i felt great out on my road bike for a change.

Tuesday- Started the day off with a track workout 5x1km with a big wu and cool down, the goal was to decend them but by a small margin while taking it out hard with the first km. I took it out in 310 so needless to say by the 5th one i was working pretty hard. it felt good, and i met the challenges i set so i was happy.
Pm- another hard swim workout with a test set and a big drill set that was kind of nice. (4.5k)

Wednesday- Swim Am was recovery 4k it was nice to have an ez swim
pm- was a long recovery spin, it was nice to have an easy day. I think i logged 60+ kms a tad chills.

Thursday- am (4.5k swim) Started with a main set that was 10x100m on 115 holding 110's. Well that woke me up fast. Felt a bit flat in the water but i didn't go off the back which was nice. Then did a set that was 4x4x100m pull paddles on 120. not too bad held 115's nothing hard just logging some fitness.

pm- Tonight is supposed to be a big run workout with a 5000m hard in the middle. We are expecting some bad weather so it may be a tempo run on the tready if the 40mph winds and rain keep up tonight. Oh well running in wind is fun. a tad tired-- sarcasm. :)

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