
Mellow Mushroom

Not too much to report on allot of early nights to bed lately. Today is a rest/recovery day only a 5k swim and some stretch cord and core work today. I have the afternoon off to get some work done and watch some movies tonight to get ready for a big bad weekend.

So Tuesday was a big bad ride workout which was my main workout of the day. I did alot of power intervals and some Steady state riding. I did core and strength as well but mainly a big ride day.

Wednesday morning i swam with fast it was a nice 5k workout with some sprinting at the end about 16 sprints to many oh well it was a good workout nice to work on some start speed again.
In the afternoon i did a long base run and some core work. The run was a chilax 15k loop i have.

Thursday- the main workout of the day was a big base ride with a run off the bike. It was a solid day only about 3hours of work so a pretty easy day.

Today was a big swim workout and the rest of the day to chill before the weekend. This weekend i have 4-5hours of training each day so i will talk about those adventures on Monday. The weather is supposed to be nice so iam excited for that. Anyways i found a new pizza place that everyone is raving about i may get a pizza tonight so i have left overs for lunch over the weekend because i will likely be too tired to make anything. The place is called mellowmushroom.com
it is very healthy and has weirdly unique multi grain breads. Oh well its worth a try. Paris Hilton is in town this week and weekend, i doubt i will run into her as i have been going to bed between 7-8 every night and mainly hanging out at blockbuster just long enough to rent a movie. But i will defiantly watch the news to see if she gets in any trouble in the DFW area. Oh yeah also reminds me my parents are coming to town Sunday so not only will i be training alot this weekend but i will be cleaning up bike grease stains.
Cheers for now

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