
Self Control

Going to the grocery store when hungry is never a good idea. However going to the grocery store after a 4.5hour hard brick and a super cold ice bath is never a solid plan either. I made sure i had a recovery shake before stopping by however it didn't fight off my hunger too long. Carley went and decided it would be funny to take some secret photos of me cruising along looking at pretty much anything. I didn't know that i could spend 50minutes in the cereal section checking out the new goodies however anything is possible when in that state of mind. Apparently i even asked a clerk for a chair so i didnt have to stand anymore, but i don't remember that! When i finally finished up with my two items the secret detective had already our weeks food through the check out and in the car. Self Control in a tired state is important if i ever want to maintain a race weight. I am lucky enough that everyone loves my favorite dessert Morning Crisp Chocolate Organic Cereal by Jordan's. It limits me from how much i can consume at one serving when everyone else kills it before i have a chance( Sorry Mom!). Lots of intensity this week but i love it. Be safe when shopping after workouts it can be extremely dangerous! Or better yet leave your wallet or purse in the car!


Anonymous said...

Too funny BP! I do that all the time, but usually I stand there and stare at the chocolate for an hour! Stay away from the bulk foods aisle at times like these! I like the chair part--I've never had to sit down in the grocery store!!
Keep up the good training!! It's supposed to snow in Calgary today...booooohoooo!

Go Gammie said...

That is so funny about the chair. totally under"stand"able concidering the hard brick workout. The cereal isle is my favorite. I am glad to hear you are able to get out on your bike for the long rides and hope the weather is warm enough for your training :)